
Gift Ideas to Get a Sick Chick Back Into the Garden

Monday, September 12, 2011

Wind chime close-upImage via WikipediaThis week is Invisible Illness Week.  I'll be writing a lot about it and what it means to me over at my other blog Oh My Aches and Pains!  But I wanted to share this video from Lisa Copen of Rest Ministries because it offers some great gift ideas that can encourage someone who is chronically ill to get back into the garden and in touch with nature once again.

It was an occupational therapist that listened and encouraged me modify my backyard gardening pursuits. She put the bug in my ear about chronic illness friendly container gardening. Today I credit her with starting me on my path to becoming The Seated Gardener. 

Perhaps a thoughtful gift for a sick friend can help you encourage them to see beyond the limitations of their chronic illness and find passion for a new pursuit.


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