Would you believe I have one more harvest of Japanese cucumbers coming ripe on the vines? With a heat wave in October, I guess my vines squeaked out one last set of blooms. The cucumbers are sure growing slowly, but helped along by the recent rains, I think I will eventually get three more cucumbers with which I plan to make on last batch of tsukemono for this season.
Now I just so happened to pick up my Japanese cucumber plants this year at OSH (Orchard Supply Hardware.) Usually I grow cucumbers from seed, but I was a little behind in getting my garden started this year so I opted for live plants instead. Since I really like the flavor of the Japanese cucumbers, I wanted to find seeds for them so I could grow them next year.
Garden Find #1
A quick search lead me to the Kitazawa Seed Company in Oakland California. They stock 13 varieties of Japanese cucumber here. Varieties include: Palace King hybrid, Palace Pride hybrid, Southern Delight hybrid, Summer Dance hybrid and Tasty Green hybrid. Here I was, worried that I wouldn't be able to find Japanese cucumber seeds and now I have to figure out which one to purchase!
Garden Find #2
Now of course you can make tsukemono with other vegetables besides cucumbers. To do this, I decided I needed to invest in a cookbook to teach me how to do this properly. This lead to my second discovery:
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